Day 35: Moradabad – 1 Acre, 2 Acre, How About 150 Acre?

Drone Yatra 2022

When we consider our service, it was always to empower the small holder farmers since they do not have the requisite resources to afford all the modern tech on hand. It was always considered that the large holding farmers have the resources on hand, but today we encountered one such farmer at our demonstration that changed our outlook a little.

Welcome to Day 3 in Uttar Pradesh (UP). We are headed to Moradabad where a cute paddy field was swaying to the wind, waiting to welcome us and the drone to the lands. We reached, set up and then did our briefing and demonstration. After that, during the Q&A, we encountered a gentleman farmer who had 150 acre of farmland and wanted to understand how we could help him in his farming endeavor.

This was interesting because providing a service to such a large farm holder was not in the original scheme of things, although we do consider them in the overall plan when it came to providing drone spray services. He wanted to understand how it would work when he had such a large landholding and wanted all the crop sprayed in a short duration. The only solution to this would be to deploy multiple drones at the same time at the single location to be able to serve them effectively.

Moreover, how the pricing would work in this case would be an interesting prospect since if the land holding is that high, the pricing should be attractive enough to opt for the service and not go for procuring and operating drones of his own. It is true that the overall maintenance and management of the operation manually can be more of a hassle for a farmer and hence it does make more sense to simply opt for drone spray as a service.

With this, we closed for the day and moved towards Lucknow for our Day 4 in UP. Stay tuned!

