Why are Weeds a Major Threat?
Weeds are fatal because they compete with your crop for valuable resources like nutrients, water and sunlight, therefore affecting the overall product quality.
How to Treat Weeds the Right Way?
Proper weeds management depends on the two really important factors, often overlooked by farmers, which can have a major effect to crop damage and productivity. The key to a successful weed program with high yield and low labor demand is:
1) The right application window - 0 to 3 days after transplanting for Rift Plus*
2) The right application method - usage of herbicide with sand and fertilizer mix is safe and convenient
Treat Your Crop Against Weeds with Rift Plus
Rifit Plus is a pre-emergence selective herbicide for transplanted rice, which is very safe to crop and has an effective action.
Rifit Plus provides a quick and convenient weed management method that protects every corner of your field, thanks to its so-called DSA factor:
- Dissolves fast (in 2 minutes)
- Spreads fast
- Acts fast
Why is Stem Borer a Risk to Your Crop?
Stem Borer is a dangerous pest because it appears in the initial stage of the crop, affecting the overall crop quality and yield. Yield losses can vary from 20% to 70%. Rice plants are most prone to this rice pest from a very early stage until the flowering stage.
How to Recognize Stem Borer?
Stem Borers leave their brown colored eggs in masses of 15-80 on the upper leaf surface.
Young larvae suspend themselves from leaves on a silk thread and get blown to other plants to feed. Mature ones bore into the sheath and tiller of the plant.
How to Manage Stem Borer?
Damage happens 1 week after infestation, when it might be too late to control the damage. For that reason you need to act before the infestation takes place. Make early transplants since late transplants get a higher yield impact. Late treatment will not reverse yield loss. Use insecticide to control it.
Virtako provides excellent and long-lasting control over Stem Borer. It also gives vigor to your plants, setting a good foundation for better quality and higher yield.