• Class: Fungicide
• Registrant: Syngenta India Ltd
• Composition: Azoxystrobin 18.2% + Cyperoconazole 7.3 %
• Dose: apply at 1 ml / litre of water
• Available packs: 1 L, 500 ml, 200 ml
What is Ampect Xtra?
Ampect Xtra, Powered by Proven Amistar® Technology, delivers a long-lasting foliar protection from yellow stripe rust and powdery mildew. It has a dual mode of action that inhibits the respiration of fungi and the cell Membrane stability. Thus, stopping the disease before it attacks the plant, thereby, maximizing the yield potential.
Why to use Ampect Xtra at Flag Leaf Stage?
Flag leaf has high Photosynthesis and is Highly prone to diseases & Stress and it constitutes about 75% of the effective leaf area that will feed the head and fill the grain. 55% of grain filling happens because of the flag leaf. Therefore, Protecting the flag leaf is critical for maximizing yield, because, more than anything, it contributes to the size of the yield and quality of crop.Time: Use at 65 to 75 DAS (flag leaf development stage)
What are the growers saying about Ampect Xtra?
Xtra protection
Xtra stress relief
Xtra greening
Xtra healthy
Xtra yields
Xtra profits