
Diseases in your fields

Fungicides prevent and cure diseases which can have adverse effects on crop yields and quality. The main markets are Fruit and Vegetables, Cereals and Rice.

Amistar top

Amistar top is world’s leading fungicide powered with Proven Amistar® Technology...

Ampect Xtra

Ampect Xtra delivers an outstanding, healthy flag leaf resulting in better panicle.


Score is a winning fungicide for complete plant protection

Kavach Flo

Kavach Flo is a one-shot easy solution for spotless and healthy crop.

Graliz Bactriguard

Graliz Bactriguard, single shot solution against major bacterial diseases.

PATTY by Syngenta

Patty: Proven Amistar Technology Trusted by You - your friend & guide.

Since the usage of the product is beyond our control, we don't take responsibility for anything other than the quality of the product.
Product names marked ® or ™, the SYNGENTA Logo and the alliance frame are Trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company.